our story
We are Financial Consultant people who help Cambodians to find the Ultimate Choices of Financial Growth through Stock Investment.
GoInvest is founded by a group of our startup team who got diversified skills across financial industry.
Coming Soon. We start creating a Technology where Cambodian people cannot find any place easier to buy stock from international companies, with very low fee.
Along with that, our Value is to make sure we do our best to provide knowledge, training and great possible tools for customers to make profits as much as possible with a very minimum risk taken.
Our Mission is to try our best to select what best products and provide the best consulting service for our customer’s growth in wealth.
Feel free to reach us at goinvest.in@gmail.com for more info.
Our Vision
The Ultimate Choice for Cambodians Financial Growth!
Our Mission
Select what best products and provide the best consulting service for their growth in Finance.
The technology is growing so fast that if Cambodians miss out opportunities to stay ahead of it, the longer we will stay as a labor to serve other countries.